Thursday 20 November 2008

Sea Kayak Essex - Mega Diamante Sovereign

Sea Kayak Heaven

Yesterday was a great day on the water. Went paddling in my NEW gorgeous Mega Diamante Sovereign Sea Kayak. I picked it up last week from Malcolm at Mega and was wondering if it paddled as good as it looks....Stunning red and white deck with silver flecks...fully pimped...Launched from the 2 Tree Island Slipway in Leigh on Sea at low tide, noted the envious looks from a couple of plastic sea kayakers just coming in.

After a brief tussle wading through the mud, I climbed in and paddled away heading up the creek for the pier. At low tide the scenery is a sublime muddy moonscape of sand and mud, enhanced by the low sun it shimmers and sparkles. Plenty of waders and brent geese teasing grub from the mud. Wind behind me I was shocked at how quickly I was covering the ground, 4 knots with no tide - it's so light in comparison to the fantastic plastic. The mega glided effortly, handled like a dream. I found myself grinning madly. A couple of miles down the ray I pulled over onto the sand and enjoyed a coffee break.

Almost a mile from any living person I felt truly relaxed. Views as always stunning....nothing moving apart from the wildlife and a few fishing boats in the distance. Off again heading for Southend pier, small wind blown estuarine chop allowed a little surfing. I love this kayak.

2 miles from the pier on the southern ray sand bank my old friends the seals enjoying a little November sun. Drifted past taking a few photo's and onto the pier. The wind had freshened a little and on the nose, worked hard getting back to Leigh on Sea. Practised a few more advanced strokes in the Leigh Creek surrounded by 1,000 Brent Geese and waders. Very appreciative until a high brace had me splashing for survival. We have lift off, as my fans took fright heading off for more peaceful mud. After a 10 mile paddle I determined that the Mega was even better than it looked and we are looking forward to sharing a few tales this winter.

If you want to join me next week ring Mike on 07887 890389 or visit the site at

1 comment:

  1. hi
    i often go out in my valley knordkapp
    from southend sea life centre-and down to leigh,,i did today and back--or round the pier,,have a v sail now too--weathers nice now-if you want to meet up-that would be great
    all the best
